


  • BrE: /straɪk/
  • NAmE: /straɪk/

Verb Forms

  • present simple I / you / we / they strike
    • BrE: /straɪk/
    • NAmE: /straɪk/
  • he / she / it strikes
    • BrE: /straɪks/
    • NAmE: /straɪks/
  • past simple struck
    • BrE: /strʌk/
    • NAmE: /strʌk/
  • past participle struck
    • BrE: /strʌk/
    • NAmE: /strʌk/
  • -ing form striking
    • BrE: /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/
    • NAmE: /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/


hit somebody/something 击打;碰撞

  1. B2 [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to hit somebody/something hard or with force 撞;碰;撞击;碰撞

    • strike somebody/something The ship struck a rock. 船触礁了。
    • The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. 孩子跑到公路上给车撞了。
    • The tree was struck by lightning. 树遭到雷击。
    • Warplanes struck several targets in the city. 战机轰炸了城市里的几个目标。
    • strike somebody/something + adv./prep. He fell, striking his head on the edge of the table. 他摔倒了,头碰在桌子边上。
    • He was struck in the head by a bullet. 他被子弹击中头部。
    • The stone struck her on the forehead. 那块石头击中她的额头。
    • strike against something The oar struck against something hard. 桨重重地砸在了一件硬东西上。

    Synonyms hit

    knock | bang | strike | bump | bash

    These words all mean to come against something with a lot of force.

    • hit to come against somebody/​something with force, especially causing damage or injury:
      • The boy was hit by a speeding car. 男孩被超速行驶的汽车撞倒了。
    • knock to hit something so that it moves or breaks; to put somebody/​something into a particular state or position by hitting them/​it:
      • Someone had knocked a hole in the wall. 有人在墙上打了个洞。
    • bang to hit something in a way that makes a loud noise:
      • The baby was banging the table with his spoon. 婴孩用调羹敲打着桌子。
    • fling to throw somebody/​something somewhere with a lot of force, especially because you are angry or in a hurry:
      • She flung the letter down onto the table. 她把信摔在桌子上。
    • strike (formal) to hit somebody/​something hard: 指猛烈地撞、碰、撞击、碰撞:
      • The ship struck a rock. 船触礁了。
    • bump to hit somebody/​something by accident:
      • In the darkness I bumped into a chair. 我在黑暗中撞上了一把椅子。
    • bash (informal) to hit against something very hard: 指猛击、猛撞:
      • I braked too late, bashing into the car in front. 我刹车太晚,撞上了前面的车。
    • Patterns
      • to hit/​knock/​bang/​bump/​bash against somebody/​something
      • to knock/​bang/​bump/​bash into somebody/​something
      • to hit/​strike the ground/​floor/​wall

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adverb
      • firmly
      • hard
      • deep
    • verb + strike
      • be about to
      • be going to
      • be ready to
    • preposition
      • against
      • at
      • on
    • phrases
      • be struck by lightning
      • get struck by lightning
      • be struck down by something
  2. B2 [transitive] (formal) to hit somebody/something with your hand or a weapon 打;击

    • strike somebody/something She struck him in the face. 她掴了他一记耳光。
    • He struck the table with his fist. 他用拳头打桌子。
    • Who struck the first blow (= started the fight)? 是谁先动手的?
    • Did she ever strike you? 她打过你吗?
    • strike somebody/something sth He struck her two blows on the leg. 他在她腿上打了两下。

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adverb
      • firmly
      • hard
      • deep
    • verb + strike
      • be about to
      • be going to
      • be ready to
    • preposition
      • against
      • at
      • on
    • phrases
      • be struck by lightning
      • get struck by lightning
      • be struck down by something

kick/hit ball 踢球;击球

  1. [transitive] strike something (+ adv./prep.) (formal) to hit or kick a ball, etc. 击打,踢(球等)

    • He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net. 他走到罚球点,稳稳地把球踢入网内。

attack 攻击

  1. B2 [intransitive] to attack somebody/something, especially suddenly 突击;攻击

    • The lion crouched ready to strike. 狮子蹲身准备袭击。
    • Police fear that the killer may strike again. 警方担心杀人犯可能再次下手。
    • The guerrillas struck with deadly force. 游击队发起强势进攻。

    Topics War and conflict B2

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adverb
      • firmly
      • hard
      • deep
    • verb + strike
      • be about to
      • be going to
      • be ready to
    • preposition
      • against
      • at
      • on
    • phrases
      • be struck by lightning
      • get struck by lightning
      • be struck down by something

of disaster/disease 灾难;疾病

  1. B2 [intransitive, transitive] to happen suddenly and have a harmful or damaging effect on somebody/something 侵袭;爆发

    • Two days later tragedy struck. 两天后悲剧发生了。
    • Disaster struck again when their best player was injured. 灾难又一次发生了,他们最好的队员受伤了。
    • strike somebody/something The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. 那一地区爆发了霍乱。

    Extra Examples

    • A hurricane is about to strike Jamaica. 飓风即将袭击牙买加。
    • Earthquakes can strike without warning. 地震可能没有任何预兆就发生。
    • The disease first struck her 10 years ago. 这种疾病第一次袭击她是在 10 年前。

thought/idea/impression 想法;念头;印象

  1. B2 [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (of a thought or an idea 想法或念头) to come into somebody’s mind suddenly 突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到

    • strike somebody An awful thought has just struck me. 刚才我脑子里突然闪过一个可怕的念头。
    • I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt. 我猛然发现她长得跟我姑姑很像。
    • One thing that really struck me was how calm he appeared. 他看起来如此平静,着实给我留下了深刻印象。
    • it strikes somebody how, what, etc… It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. 我一下子明白我们如何能改善局面了。

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adverb
      • immediately
      • suddenly
      • just
    • preposition
      • as
  2. B2 [transitive] to give somebody a particular impression 给(某人以…)印象;让(某人)觉得

    • strike somebody Another part of his comment struck me. 他评论的另一部分打动了我。
    • strike somebody as something His reaction struck me as odd. 他的反应令我诧异。
    • She strikes me as a very efficient person. 在我眼里,她是个很干练的人。
    • How does the idea strike you? 你觉得这个主意怎么样?
    • it strikes somebody that… It strikes me that nobody is really in favour of the changes. 我觉得没人真正赞成这些变动。

    Extra Examples

    • He always struck me as being rather stupid. 他总是让我感觉傻乎乎的。
    • It struck me as strange that there was no one there. 那里空无一人,我感到有些奇怪

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adverb
      • immediately
      • suddenly
      • just
    • preposition
      • as

of workers 工人

  1. B2 [intransitive] to refuse to work because of an argument over pay or conditions 罢工

    • Over 100,000 civil servants are set to strike on Tuesday. 10 万多名公务员确定要在星期二举行罢工。
    • strike over something Drivers are threatening to strike over pay. 司机们威胁要就工资问题举行罢工。
    • strike for something The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%. 工会投票决定罢工,要求加薪 6%。
    • Striking workers picketed the factory. 罢工的工人在工厂附近设置了纠察队


    ballot | closed shop | collective bargaining | industrial action | labour | picket | protest | representative | strike | union

    Topics Social issues B2, Working life B2

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • verb + strike
      • threaten to
      • vote to
      • be set to
    • preposition
      • against
      • for
      • in protest at
    • phrases
      • the right to strike

of light 光

  1. [transitive] strike something to fall on a surface 照在…上;照射

    • The windows sparkled as the sun struck the glass. 阳光照得玻璃窗熠熠闪光。

dumb/deaf/blind 哑;聋;瞎

  1. [transitive] strike somebody + adj. [usually passive] to put somebody suddenly into a particular state 顿时使处于某状态

    • to be struck dumb/deaf/blind 一时什么也说不出/听不见/看不见

match 火柴

  1. [transitive, intransitive] strike (something) to rub something such as a match against a surface so that it produces a flame; to produce a flame when rubbed against a rough surface 擦,划(火柴);击出(火星)

    • to strike a match on a wall 在墙上擦火柴
    • The sword struck sparks off the stone floor. 剑砍在石头地板上,火星飞溅。
    • The matches were damp and he couldn't make them strike. 火柴受潮了,他划不着。

of clock 钟

  1. [intransitive, transitive] to show the time by making a ringing noise, etc. 敲;鸣;报时

    synonym chime

    • BrE: /tʃaɪm/
    • NAmE: /tʃaɪm/

    [intransitive, transitive] (of a bell or a clock 铃或时钟) to ring; to show the time by making a ringing sound 鸣响;敲响;报时

    • I heard the clock chime. 我听见钟响报时。
    • Eight o'clock had already chimed. 已敲过八点钟了。
    • chime something The clock chimed midday. 时钟响过正午十二点。
    • Did you hear the clock strike? 你听见钟响了吗?
    • Four o’clock had just struck. 那时候时钟刚刚敲过4点。
    • strike something The clock has just struck three. 时钟刚刚敲过三点。

make sound 发出声音

  1. [transitive] strike something to produce a musical note, sound, etc. by pressing a key or hitting something 弹奏;奏响;发出(声音)

    • She struck a chord on the piano and the children began to sing. 她在钢琴上奏出和弦,孩子们开始唱歌。

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adverb
      • firmly
      • hard
      • deep
    • verb + strike
      • be about to
      • be going to
      • be ready to
    • preposition
      • against
      • at
      • on
    • phrases
      • be struck by lightning
      • get struck by lightning
      • be struck down by something

gold/oil, etc. 金、石油等

  1. [transitive] strike something to discover gold, oil, etc. by digging or drilling 开采出;钻探到

    • They had struck oil! 他们开采出了石油!

go with purpose 有目的地走

  1. [intransitive] strike + adv./prep. to go somewhere with great energy or purpose 行进;加劲走

    • We left the road and struck off across the fields. 我们下了公路,穿过旷野往前走。
    • He struck out (= started swimming) towards the shore. 他朝岸边游去。
    • The German army struck deep into northern France. 德国军队深入法国北方实施打击。

Word Origin

Old English strīcan ‘go, flow’ and ‘rub lightly’, of West Germanic origin; related to German streichen ‘to stroke’, also to stroke. The sense ‘deliver a blow’ dates from Middle English.


  • be struck by/on/with somebody/something

    (informal) to be impressed or interested by somebody/something; to like somebody/something very much 被某人(或某物)打动;迷恋某人(或某物)

    • I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm. 她年轻热情,把我迷住了。
    • We're not very struck on that new restaurant. 我们不大看得上那家新餐馆。.

    Extra Examples

    • I was particularly struck by the sound of the birds. 鸟的叫声尤其让我印象深刻。
    • Joan was struck quite forcibly by the silence. 那种静默给琼留下了深刻的印象。
  • drive/strike a hard bargain

    to argue in an aggressive way and force somebody to agree on the best possible price or arrangement 狠狠地杀价

    Topics Discussion and agreement C2

  • hit/strike home

    if a remark, etc. hits/strikes home, it has a strong effect on somebody, in a way that makes them realize what the true facts of a situation are (言语等)正中要害,说到点子上

    • Her face went pale as his words hit home. 他的话切中要害,她的脸变白了。
  • hit/strike pay dirt

    (informal) to suddenly be in a successful situation, especially one that makes you rich 骤然成功;暴富

    • The band really hit pay dirt with their last album. 这个乐队的上一张专辑确实很畅销。

    Topics Success C2

  • hit/strike the right/wrong note

    (especially British English) to do, say or write something that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion 做(或说、写)得得体/不得体

    • It is a bizarre tale and the author hits just the right note of horror and disbelief. 这是一个离奇的故事,作者恰到好处地表达了恐惧和怀疑。
    • Unfortunately, the president struck the wrong note in his speech, ignoring the public mood. 不幸的是,总统在他的演讲中打错了音,忽略了公众的情绪。
  • hit/strike the woodwork

    (British English, informal) to hit the wooden frame of the goal in the game of football (soccer), instead of scoring a goal 交好运

    • She hit the woodwork twice before scoring. 得分前她击中了两次门框。
  • lightning never strikes (in the same place) twice

    (saying) an unusual or unpleasant event is not likely to happen in the same place or to the same people twice 倒霉的事不可能在同一场所(或同一人身上)重复发生;一事不过二

  • sound/strike a note (of something)

    to express feelings or opinions of a particular kind 表达某种情感(或观点)

    • She sounded a note of warning in her speech. 她在讲话中透出了警告的意味。
    • The touch of cynicism struck a slightly sour note. 冷嘲热讽的味道略带酸味。

    Extra Examples

    • He sounded a cautionary note. 他的声音带有一种提醒的意味。
    • His opening remarks struck the right note. 他的开幕词讲得十分得体。

    Topics Opinion and argument C2

  • strike a balance (between A and B)

    to manage to find a way of being fair to two things that are opposed to each other; to find an acceptable position that is between two things (在对立二者之间)找到折中办法;平衡(对立的双方)

    • We need to strike a balance between these conflicting interests. 我们需要在这些利益冲突中找到平衡。
  • strike a bargain/deal (with somebody/something)

    to make an agreement with somebody in which both sides have an advantage 达成(对双方都有利的)协议

    • Perhaps we could strike a bargain. 也许我们可以达成协议。
    • The United States has struck a historic deal with India. 美国与印度达成了一项历史性协议。

    Topics Discussion and agreement C2

  • strike a blow for/against/at something

    to do something in support of/against a belief, principle, etc. 维护(或损害)某种信念或原则等

    • He felt that they had struck a blow for democracy. 他感觉他们维护了民主制度。
  • strike/touch a chord (with somebody)

    to say or do something that makes people feel sympathy or enthusiasm 引起同情(或共鸣)

    • The speaker had obviously struck a chord with his audience. 讲演者显然已引起了听众的共鸣。
  • strike fear, etc. into somebody/sb’s heart

    (formal) to make somebody be afraid, etc. 使某人感到恐惧等

    • The sound of gunfire struck fear into the hearts of the villagers. 炮声使村民心惊胆战。
  • strike gold

    to find or do something that brings you a lot of success or money 打开成功(或财富)之门;踏上通往成功(或财富)之路

    • He has struck gold with his latest novel. 他凭借最新的一部小说叩开了成功之门。

    Topics Success C2

  • strike/hit home

    if a remark, etc. strikes/hits home, it has a strong effect on somebody, in a way that makes them realize what the true facts of a situation are (言语等)正中要害,说到点子上

    • His face went pale as her words struck home. 当她的话击中要害时,他的脸色变得苍白。
  • strike it rich

    (informal) to get a lot of money, especially suddenly or unexpectedly 暴富;(意外)发大财

  • strike (it) lucky

    (informal) to have good luck 交好运

    • We certainly struck it lucky with the weather. 我们真幸运,遇上了好天气。
  • strike a nerve (with somebody)

    to have a strong effect (言语等)正中要害,说到点子上

    • His work strikes a nerve with people who are attracted to nostalgia. 他的作品触动了怀旧人群的神经。
    • It seems I struck a nerve with my last post about cell phones. 我上一篇关于手机的帖子似乎触动了我的神经。
    • Nissan may well strike a popular nerve here. 日产汽车很可能会触动这里的一根大众神经。
  • strike/hit pay dirt

    (informal) to suddenly be in a successful situation, especially one that makes you rich 骤然成功;暴富

    • The band really struck pay dirt with their last album. 这个乐队的上一张专辑确实赚了不少钱。

    Topics Success C2

  • strike a pose/an attitude

    to hold your body in a particular way to create a particular impression 摆出某种姿态

    • to strike a dramatic pose 摆出戏剧性的姿势
    • (figurative) He strikes an attitude of bravery and lonely defiance. 他表现出勇敢和孤独的反抗态度。
  • strike/hit the right/wrong note

    (especially British English) to do, say or write something that is suitable/not suitable for a particular occasion 做(或说、写)得得体/不得体

    • It is a bizarre tale and the author strikes just the right note of horror and disbelief. 这是一个离奇的故事,作者恰到好处地表达了恐惧和怀疑。
  • strike while the iron is hot

    (saying) to make use of an opportunity immediately 趁热打铁

  • within striking distance (of something)

    near enough to be reached or attacked easily; near enough to reach or attack something easily 近在咫尺;在攻击距离之内

    • The beach is within striking distance. 海滩近在咫尺。
    • The cat was now within striking distance of the duck. 此时,猫就在可攻击鸭子的距离内。

Phrasal Verbs

strike at

  • strike at somebody/something

    1. to try to hit somebody/something, especially with a weapon 朝…打去

      • He struck at me repeatedly with a stick. 他拿着棍子一再朝我打过来。
    2. to cause damage or have a serious effect on somebody/something 损害;有损于;严重影响到

      • to strike at the root of the problem 从根源入手解决问题
      • criticisms that strike at the heart of the party’s policies 直指该党政策之要害的批评意见

strike back

  • strike back (at/against somebody)

    to try to harm somebody in return for an attack or injury you have received 反击;回击

strike down

  • strike somebody down [usually passive]

    1. (of a disease, etc.疾病等) to make somebody seriously ill; to kill somebody 摧垮;使病倒;使丧命

      • He was struck down by cancer at the age of thirty. 他三十岁那年被癌症夺去了性命。
      • He was struck down with food poisoning. 他因食物中毒卧床不起。
    2. to hit somebody very hard, so that they fall to the ground 击倒,撞倒(某人)

  • strike something ↔︎ down

    (especially North American English) to decide that a law is illegal and should not apply 取消,撤销(法规)

    • The Supreme Court struck down a Texas state law. 最高法院撤销了得克萨斯州的一条法律。
    • The law was struck down as unconstitutional. 这项法律因违宪而被否决。

strike off

  • strike something ↔︎ off

    to remove something with a hard hit; to cut something off 打掉;砍掉;砍下

    • He struck off the rotten branches with an axe. 他用斧子把枯树枝砍掉。
  • strike somebody/something off (something)

    (also strike somebody/something from something)

    to remove somebody/something’s name from something, such as the list of members of a professional group把某人(或某事物)除名

    • Strike her name off the list. 把她的名字从名单上删掉。
    • The doctor was struck off (= not allowed to continue to work as a doctor) for incompetence. 那名医生因不称职而被取消了执业资格。

strike out

  • strike out

    1. to start being independent 独立出去;自立谋生

      • I knew it was time I struck out on my own. 我知道我该独立谋生了。
    2. (North American English, informal) to fail or be unsuccessful 失败;砸锅

      • The movie struck out and didn't win a single Oscar. 那部影片砸锅了,奥斯卡奖一项都没得着。

      Topics Difficulty and failure C2

  • strike out (at somebody/something)

    1. to aim a sudden violent hit at somebody/something (奋力朝某处)去;赶往(某处)

      • He lost his temper and struck out wildly. 他发了脾气,大打出手。
    2. to criticize somebody/something, especially in a public speech or in a book or newspaper (尤指公开)抨击

      • In a recent article she strikes out at her critics. 她最近写了一篇文章,对批评她的人予以驳斥。
  • strike out | strike somebody ↔︎ out

    (in baseball 棒球) to fail to hit the ball three times and therefore not be allowed to continue hitting; to make somebody do this (使)三击不中出局,三振出局

    related noun strikeout

    • BrE: /ˈstraɪkaʊt/
    • NAmE: /ˈstraɪkaʊt/

    (in baseball 棒球) a situation in which the player who is supposed to be hitting the ball has to stop because he or she has tried to hit the ball three times and failed (三击不中) 出局;三振出局

    Topics Sports: ball and racket sports C2

  • strike something ↔︎ out/through

    to remove something by drawing a line through it 画掉;删去

    synonym cross something ↔︎ out/through

    to draw a line through a word, usually because it is wrong 画掉,删掉(错字)

    • The editor struck out the whole paragraph. 编辑把整段全部删去了

strike through

  • strike something ↔︎ out/through

    to remove something by drawing a line through it 画掉;删去

    synonym cross something ↔︎ out/through

    to draw a line through a word, usually because it is wrong 画掉,删掉(错字)

    • The editor struck out the whole paragraph. 编辑把整段全部删去了

strike up

  • strike up (with something) | strike up something

    (of a band, an orchestra, etc.乐队等) to begin to play a piece of music 开始演奏

    • The orchestra struck up and the curtain rose. 管弦乐队奏起音乐,幕启。
    • The band struck up a waltz. 乐队奏起一支华尔兹舞曲。
  • strike up something (with somebody)

    to begin a friendship, a relationship, a conversation, etc. (和某人)建立友谊,开始来往,交谈起来

    • He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers. 他爱和完全不相识的人攀谈。



  • BrE: /straɪk/
  • NAmE: /straɪk/


of workers 工人

  1. B2 a period of time when an organized group of employees of a company stops working because of an argument over pay or conditions 罢工;罢课;罢市

    • the miners'/firefighters'/teachers' strike 矿工/消防员/教师罢工
    • a strike by teachers 教师举行的罢课
    • a one-day strike 罢工一天
    • an unofficial strike 未经批准的罢工
    • Union leaders called a strike. 工会领导人号召罢工。
    • Air traffic controllers are threatening to go on strike. 空中交通管制员威胁要罢工。
    • Half the workforce are now (out) on strike. 现在有半数职工罢工。
    • to come out on strike 举行罢工
    • The train drivers have voted to take strike action. 火车司机投票表决采取罢工行动。
    • The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest). 学生会呼吁拒缴房租。

    see also climate strike, general strike, hunger strike

    • climate strike

      • BrE: /ˈklaɪmət straɪk/
      • NAmE: /ˈklaɪmət straɪk/

      the act of not going to school or work in order to join a public protest to demand action against climate change 气候罢工:为了参加公众抗议而要求采取行动以应对气候变化的不上学或工作的行为

      • Millions of people around the world joined the climate strike on Friday. 周五,全世界数百万人加入了气候罢工。
    • general strike

      • BrE: /ˌdʒenrəl ˈstraɪk/
      • NAmE: /ˌdʒenrəl ˈstraɪk/

      a period of time when most or all of the workers in a country go on strike 总罢工

    • hunger strike

      • BrE: /ˈhʌŋɡə straɪk/
      • NAmE: /ˈhʌŋɡər straɪk/

      [countable, uncountable] the act of refusing to eat for a long period of time in order to protest about something 绝食(抗议)

      • to be on/go on hunger strike 进行绝食抗议

    Extra Examples

    • More train strikes are threatened. 铁路工人威胁要举行更多罢工。
    • The New York transit strike is in its second day. 纽约公交工人的罢工进入了第二天。
    • The army was used to help break the strike. 当局动用了军队来终止罢工。
    • The new government banned strikes. 新政府禁止罢工。
    • The shipyard voted to launch a sympathy strike in support of the machinists. 造船厂投票决定举行罢工,以声援机械师。
    • The strike paralysed the port. 罢工使港口陷于瘫痪。
    • The first wave of strikes began in January. 第一波罢工始于 1 月份。
    • Miners staged a one-day strike in support of the steel workers. 矿工罢工一天以声援钢铁工人。
    • The union held a national strike ballot on the issue. 工会就这个问题举行了全国罢工投票。

    Topics Working life B2, Social issues B2

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adjective
      • long
      • short
      • one-day
    • … of strikes
      • series
      • wave
    • verb + strike
      • be on
      • come out on
      • go on
    • strike + verb
      • occur
      • take place
      • start
    • strike + noun
      • action
      • threat
      • ballot
    • preposition
      • during a/​the strike
      • strike against
      • strike by
    • phrases
      • a ballot for a strike
      • a ballot for strike action
      • the threat of strikes

attack 攻击

  1. B2 a military attack, especially by aircraft dropping bombs 军事进攻;袭击;(尤指)空袭

    • They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike. 他们决定发动先发制人的攻击。
    • strike against somebody/something Diplomatic efforts have averted a military strike against the country. 外交努力避免了对该国的军事打击。
    • The President ordered missile strikes against them in retaliation for the earlier bombing. 总统下令对他们进行导弹袭击,以报复早些时候的轰炸。

    see also air strike, first strike

    • air strike

      • BrE: /ˈeə straɪk/
      • NAmE: /ˈer straɪk/

      an attack made by aircraft 空中打击;空袭

    • first strike

      • BrE: /ˌfɜːst ˈstraɪk/
      • NAmE: /ˌfɜːrst ˈstraɪk/

      an attack on an enemy made before they attack you 先发制人;首先发起攻击

      • the threat of a strategic first strike 战略先发制人的威胁

    Topics War and conflict B2

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adjective
      • air
      • missile
      • nuclear
    • verb + strike
      • carry out
      • launch
      • make
    • strike + verb
      • force
      • aircraft
    • preposition
      • in a/​the strike
      • strike against
      • strike on

hitting/kicking 击;踢

  1. [usually singular] an act of hitting or kicking something/somebody 击;打;踢

    • His spectacular strike in the second half made the score 2–0. 他在下半场令人叹为观止的一脚射门把比分改写为 2:0。

    see also bird strike, lightning

    • bird strike

      • BrE: /ˈbɜːd straɪk/
      • NAmE: /ˈbɜːrd straɪk/

      an occasion when a bird hits an aircraft 鸟撞击飞机事故;鸟击

      • The aircraft suffered multiple bird strikes immediately after take-off. 飞机起飞后立即遭到多次鸟撞。
    • lightning

      • BrE: /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/
      • NAmE: /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/

      [uncountable] a flash, or several flashes, of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity闪电

      • a flash of lightning 一道闪电
      • a violent storm with thunder and lightning 夹着雷鸣电闪的暴风雨
      • He was struck by lightning and killed. 他被闪电击中而死。
      • Lightning strikes caused scores of fires across the state. 雷击给整个州造成了多起火灾。

in baseball 棒球

  1. an unsuccessful attempt to hit the ball 击球未中

    Topics Sports: ball and racket sports C2

in bowling 保龄球

  1. a situation in tenpin bowling when a player knocks down all the pins with the first ball 全中(第一球撞倒全部十柱球)

discovery of oil 石油的发现

  1. [usually singular] a sudden discovery of something valuable, especially oil (珍贵东西的)意外发现;(尤指石油的)发现

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • adjective
      • air
      • missile
      • nuclear
    • verb + strike
      • carry out
      • launch
      • make
    • strike + verb
      • force
      • aircraft
    • preposition
      • in a/​the strike
      • strike against
      • strike on

bad thing/action 坏事;不利的行动

  1. strike (against somebody/something) (North American English) a bad thing or action that damages somebody/something’s reputation (有损声誉的)不利因素,打击

    • The amount of fuel that this car uses is a big strike against it. 耗油量大是这辆车的一大缺点。

Word Origin

Old English strīcan ‘go, flow’ and ‘rub lightly’, of West Germanic origin; related to German streichen ‘to stroke’, also to stroke. The sense ‘deliver a blow’ dates from Middle English.


  • three strikes and you’re out | the three strikes rule

    used to describe a law that says that people who commit three crimes will go straight to prison 三振出局法(三次犯罪即入狱的法律)


  1. A struck B 是“A 打 B 一下”。A struck at B 是“A 做出打 B 的动作(未必打着 B)”。

  2. The idea strikes me as (being) original 里的 being 可有可无。

  3. on strike(罢工)是英美通用的,但在美国往往说 on a strike。


  1. Diana Lea, Jennifer Bradbery. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 10th edition. Oxford University Press, 2020.

  2. Margaret Deuter, Jennifer Bradbery, Joanna Turnbull. 牛津高阶英汉双解词典,第 9 版. 商务印书馆, 2018.

  3. 葛传槼. 葛传槼英语惯用法词典. 上海译文出版社, 2012.