

see also bind


  • BrE: /baʊnd/
  • NAmE: /baʊnd/


[not before noun]

  1. B2 bound to do/be something certain or likely to happen, or to do or be something一定会;很可能会

    • There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced. 引进新系统后一定会发生变化。
    • It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow. 明天肯定又是阳光灿烂。
    • You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam. 你下了这么大功夫,考试准能及格。
    • It was bound to happen sooner or later (= we should have expected it). 这事迟早都是要发生的。
    • These problems were almost bound to arise. 这些问题几乎注定了会出现。
    • You're bound to be nervous the first time (= it's easy to understand). 第一次总是会紧张的。

    Synonyms certain

    bound | sure | definite | guaranteed

    These are all words describing something that will definitely happen or is definitely true.

    • certain that you can rely on to happen or be true:

      • It’s certain that they will agree. 他们肯定会同意。
      • They are certain to agree. 他们肯定会同意。
    • bound [not before noun] certain to happen, or to do or be something. 指肯定会、一定会 > Bound is only used in the phrase bound to do/​be, etc.: > > - You’ve done so much work—you’re bound to pass the exam. > - There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.

    • sure certain to happen or be true; that can be trusted or relied on:

      • She’s sure to be picked for the team. 她肯定会入选该队。
      • It’s sure to rain. 必定会下雨。
    • definite (rather informal) certain to happen; that is not going to change:指必将发生、不会改变:

      • Is it definite that he’s leaving? 他肯定要离开吗?
    • strike (formal) to hit somebody/​something hard: 指猛烈地撞、碰、撞击、碰撞:

      • The ship struck a rock. 船触礁了。
    • guaranteed certain to have a particular result:

      • That kind of behaviour is guaranteed to make him angry. 那样的行为肯定会让他生气。
    • Patterns

      • certain/​sure of something
      • certain/​bound/​sure/​guaranteed to do something
      • certain/​definite that…
      • I couldn’t say for certain/​sure/​definite.

    Topics Doubt, guessing and certainty B2 B2

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • verbs
      • be
      • seem
    • adverb
      • almost
  2. C1 forced to do something by law, duty or a particular situation 受(法律、义务或情况)约束(必须做某事);有义务(做某事)

    • bound by something We are not bound by the decision. 我们不受该决定的约束。
    • You are bound by the contract to pay before the end of the month. 按照合同规定,你必须在月底前付款。
    • bound (by something) to do something (formal) I am bound to say I disagree with you on this point. 我觉得有必要指出,在这一点上我不同意你的观点。
    • They are legally bound to appear in court. 他们依法必须出庭。

    Extra Examples

    • He was legally bound to report them to the authorities. 他有法律义务将这些报告给当局。
    • Officials are bound by law to investigate any possible fraud. 法律规定官员有义务调查任何可能的欺诈行为。
    • The country will not be held bound by a treaty signed by the previous regime. 国家不会为前政权签署的条约所束缚。
    • The president said the country could not be held bound by a treaty signed by the previous regime. 总统说,国家不应为前政权签署的条约所束缚。
    • We are legally bound by this decision. 我们在法律上受这一决定的束缚。

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • verbs
      • be
      • feel
      • become
    • adverb
      • absolutely
      • irrevocably
      • by law
    • preposition
      • by
  3. (in compounds) prevented from going somewhere or from working normally by the conditions mentioned 因…受阻(或不能正常工作)

    • Strike-bound travellers face long delays. 因罢工滞留的旅客要耽搁很长时间。
    • fogbound airports 因雾不能正常作业的机场

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • verbs
      • be
    • adverb
      • homeward
      • outward
    • preposition
      • for
  4. (also in compounds) travelling, or ready to travel, in a particular direction or to a particular place 正旅行去(某地);准备前往(某地)

    • homeward bound (= going home) 在回家途中
    • Paris-bound 前往巴黎的
    • northbound/southbound/eastbound/westbound 向北/向南/向东/向西行进的
    • bound for… a plane bound for Dublin 开往都柏林的飞机
    • tourists who are bound for Europe 前往欧洲的游客
    • college-bound high school students 上大学的高中生

    Oxford Collocations Dictionary

    • verbs
      • be
    • adverb
      • homeward
      • outward
    • preposition
      • for

Word Origin

adjective sense 4 Middle English boun (in the sense ‘ready, dressed’), from Old Norse búinn, past participle of búa ‘get ready’; the final -d is euphonic, or influenced by other adjective senses of bound.


  1. be bound together by/in something

    to be closely connected 因…(或在…方面)密切联系

    • communities bound together by customs and traditions 因习俗和传统而结合在一起的社区
  2. be bound up in something

    very busy with something; very interested or involved in something 忙于某事;热衷于某事

    • He's too bound up in his work to have much time for his children. 他工作太忙,没有很多时间陪孩子们。
  3. bound and determined

    (North American English) very determined to do something矢志不渝;下定决心

    • I came here bound and determined to put the last 12 months behind me. 我来到这里,下定决心把过去的12个月抛在脑后。
  4. bound up with something

    closely connected with something 和某事密切相关

    • From that moment my life became inextricably bound up with hers. 从那一刻起,我的一生就和她结下不解之缘。
  5. (feel) honour-bound to do something

    (formal) to feel that you must do something because of your sense of moral duty (感到)道义上应做某事

    • She felt honour-bound to attend as she had promised to. 她觉得既然答应了就应该出席。
    • He felt honour bound to help her. 他觉得在道义上应该帮助她。

    compare duty-bound

    [not before noun] (formal) having to do something because it is your duty 责无旁贷;义不容辞

    Topics Permission and obligation C2

  6. I’ll be bound

    (old-fashioned, British English, informal) I feel sure我敢肯定

    • They’re up to some mischief, I’ll be bound!我敢肯定,他们在搞恶作剧!

    Topics Doubt, guessing and certainty C2 C2


see also bind


  • BrE: /baʊnd/
  • NAmE: /baʊnd/

Verb Forms

  • present simple I / you / we / they bound
    • BrE: /baʊnd/
    • NAmE: /baʊnd/
  • he / she / it bounds
    • BrE: /baʊndz/
    • NAmE: /baʊndz/
  • past simple bounded
    • BrE: /ˈbaʊndɪd/
    • NAmE: /ˈbaʊndɪd/
  • past participle bounded
    • BrE: /ˈbaʊndɪd/
    • NAmE: /ˈbaʊndɪd/
  • -ing form bounding
    • BrE: /ˈbaʊndɪŋ/
    • NAmE: /ˈbaʊndɪŋ/


  1. [transitive] + adv./prep. to run with long steps, especially in an enthusiastic way 跳跃着跑

    • The dogs bounded ahead. 那些狗在前面蹦蹦跳跳地跑。

    Extra Examples

    • He bounded back to meet us. 他跳回来迎接我们。
    • Louis came bounding down the stairs. 路易斯蹦蹦跳跳地下了楼
    • The dog bounded up to him. 那只狗向他扑来。
    • A man bounded up to her and shook her hand. 一个男人跳到她面前和她握手。
    • He braked sharply as a deer bounded across the road. 当一只鹿飞奔过马路时,他猛地刹车。
  2. [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to form the edge or limit of an area 形成…的边界(或界限)

    • be bounded by something The field was bounded on the left by a wood. 那片地左边依傍着一片树林。

Word Origin

verb sense 1 early 16th cent. (as a noun): from French bond (noun), bondir (verb) ‘resound’, later ‘rebound’, from late Latin bombitare, from Latin bombus ‘humming’. verb sense 2 Middle English (in the senses ‘landmark’ and ‘borderland’): from Old French bodne, from medieval Latin bodina, earlier butina, of unknown ultimate origin.


see also bind


  • BrE: /baʊnd/
  • NAmE: /baʊnd/


  1. a high or long jump 蹦跳;跳跃

    • The dog cleared the gate in one bound. 那狗一跳就越过了栅门。

    see also bounds

    • BrE: /baʊndz/
    • NAmE: /baʊndz/


    the accepted or furthest limits of something 限制范围;极限

    • beyond/outside/within the bounds of decency 没体统;有体统
    • I am afraid your behaviour was beyond the bounds of decency. 恐怕你的行为超出了体面的范围。
    • Public spending must be kept within reasonable bounds. 公共开支必须控制在合理的范围内。
    • It was not beyond the bounds of possibility that they would meet again one day. 他们有一天会再度相遇,这不是没有可能。
    • His enthusiasm knew no bounds (= was very great). 他有无限热情。

Word Origin

noun early 16th cent. (as a noun): from French bond (noun), bondir (verb) ‘resound’, later ‘rebound’, from late Latin bombitare, from Latin bombus ‘humming’.


  1. by/in leaps and bounds

    very quickly; in large amounts 非常迅速;飞跃地;突飞猛进;大量地

    • Her health has improved in leaps and bounds. 她的健康已迅速好转。
    • His technique has come on in leaps and bounds this season. 这个赛季他的技术突飞猛进。


bound 后面接不定式从前在英国作“将不得不……”解,在美国作“决意……”解,如 He is bound to come 在英国是“他将不得不来”,在美国是“他决意来”。但现在似乎在英美通常都作“一定将……”解,如 It is bound to rain 是“肯定会下雨”。


  1. Diana Lea, Jennifer Bradbery. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 10th edition. Oxford University Press, 2020.

  2. Margaret Deuter, Jennifer Bradbery, Joanna Turnbull. 牛津高阶英汉双解词典,第 9 版. 商务印书馆, 2018.

  3. 葛传槼. 葛传槼英语惯用法词典. 上海译文出版社, 2012.